Mindset, marketing, strategy, and tech support


Are you feeling overwhelmed by marketing? Are you confused by all the platforms, rules, and strategies? Do you find technology stressful and need help integrating it into your wellness business? If you need support, accountability, and a fresh marketing strategy, our Marketing Group Coaching is perfect for you.


This Group coaching package is for you, if you:

  • Find marketing overwhelming - how do you remember all the platforms, rules, and strategies? Should you be posting on Instagram AND LinkedIn?!

  • Technology stresses you out. How are you supposed to be a great wellness leader and coach AND know how to integrate Google Analytics on your website?

  • Know your marketing strategy and approach needs a refresh, a new strategy, and accountability to stay consistent, but you’ve been avoiding tackling it.

  • Aren’t “tech-savvy.”

  • Need support and accountability.

  • Feel scattered with your ideas and just want someone to help you get organized. 

  • Don’t know how to price your offerings. 

  • Want to learn how to update and refresh your website to keep up with trends and new offerings.



  • 3-Month Package: $350/month

  • 6-Month Package: $300/month


What you get:

  • Weekly hour-long calls to brainstorm marketing ideas, discuss upcoming campaigns, and tailor your approach to reach your ideal clients.

  • Monthly one-on-one calls, dedicated to addressing your specific business challenges and needs.

  • Access to a supportive community of like-minded wellness leaders, all facing similar obstacles in their business journeys.

  • Strategic plans and guidance for newsletters, social media, and more.

  • Mindset coaching and support to align your personal and professional growth.

  • Incorporation of spirituality and mindfulness into your marketing with meditations and Tarot pulls.

Meg is, without a doubt, the behind-the-scene brain for my yoga business! Her insight on my approach and what makes my work stand out was affirming and helped me figure out strategies to connect with others that feel deeply rewarding vs. gimmicky. I value our conversations — she both meets me where I’m at and gently nudges me to try new things.

She has “translated” work that other tech professionals do (but don’t always know how to teach), which has been invaluable in overcoming logjams. Most of all, Meg meets her clients where they’re at — as a lifelong learner herself, she has none of the formulaic mindsets I’ve encountered in the past and instead looks to see what we can both learn from the process of working together.
— Yael Flusberg, Spiritual Healer

Expected results:

  • A comprehensive social media and email marketing plan, with accountability for execution.

  • Expertise in using all digital channels effectively for your business and target audience.

  • Clear pricing strategies for all your offerings.

  • Increased profit margin through optimized marketing efforts.

  • Elevate your branding, marketing copy, and artistic elements.

  • Assistance in implementing technology solutions for your business, such as email platforms, scheduling tools, and payment systems.

  • Guidance in establishing work boundaries for a healthier work-life balance.



  • When are the weekly group calls?

    • Two 45-minute weekly calls will be scheduled based on the group’s availability.

  • When do I need to schedule my one-on-one calls?

    • All calls should be scheduled within a 30-day time frame.

  • What are the tech requirements?

    • You do not need to be tech-savvy! I will answer any questions on our group calls and help support any tech needs on our one-on-one calls.

  • I don’t want to join a group program. Do you work one-on-one?

    • Yes! Please see my services here.


I’m Meg, the Founder and Creative Guide of Yoga Brain. 

Within Yoga Brain, I merge right and left-brain thinking, combining extensive expertise in business and communications with over 18 years of practice on a yoga mat. When collaborating with you, I incorporate elements of astrology, numerology, and the moon cycles to align every project with the forces of the universe.

I’m a powerful partner for big-hearted wellness and creative leaders. My talents lie in simplifying marketing, breaking down tech platforms, and being patient with you as we create accountability, consistency, and dialed-in messaging for your brand’s marketing. 

Ready to explore if our Marketing Group Coaching is the right fit for you? Book your free discovery call today and let's unleash the power of your wellness business together.

