Yoga Brain

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After some success with this approach in 2018, I plan on repeating this exercise every year.

The reflection practice goes something like this:

Grab your 2018 calendar and a blank sheet of paper.

On your sheet of paper, write “More” at the top of column one and “Less” at the top of column two.

With your calendar, revisit all of your 2018 activities, to-dos, and events. Write anything that brought you joy in the More column. Write anything that was unpleasant in the Less column.

For example, in my More column this time are:

  • Art classes (Lifelong learner here.)

  • Reiki sessions (The epitome of my self-care.)

  • Daily meditation (Why didn’t I start this sooner?)

And in my Less column are:

  • Visits to my therapist (I found a new one.)

  • Visits to my chiropractor (Walking and a consistent yoga practice helped more.)

  • Day trips with my son, Milo (So hard…not worth it.)

Are there things you can eliminate from your Less column? Habits? Activities? People?

There is power in getting quiet and being intentional about your life. The winter solstice is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

I followed this simple strategy at the start of this year. One month later, through lots of journaling, I had the idea to create Yoga Brain.

What will you create in 2019?