Marketing and social media trends are constantly evolving but one thing has not changed.
Email is still queen.
Before you write your next email, I hope you’ll ask yourself these questions.
1. Who are you emailing?
You should be connecting with everyone on your email list regularly. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 subscribers or 100,000.
But, here’s the key. You should email everyone on your list a segmented message. If you start practicing this now, as you grow your list, you’ll have the right processes in place later down the line. According to the Direct Marketing Association, marketers have found a 760% increase in email revenue from segmented campaigns.
That’s nothing to skim over. 760%!
2. What is email segmentation?
Let’s use this example of two people reading an email about my upcoming workshop, “Creating Rituals for the Autumn Solstice.”
Person One has never attended this workshop. Person Two attended last year, so instead of inviting them, I will acknowledge their past attendance and ask them to forward the email to a friend. Or, if I have changed the format of the workshop, I want to let them know what new offerings they can expect and why they should attend again.
Person One’s message looks like this: Hi there! I want to personally invite you to my upcoming workshop on “Creating Rituals for the Autumn Solstice.” We’ll explore ways to revamp your morning routine, introduce new fall recipes, and discuss tools to improve your relationships based on the season. I hope to see you there!
Person Two’s message looks like this: Hi there! Can you believe it’s been a year since the last “Creating Rituals for the Autumn Solstice” workshop? I really enjoyed sharing my stories and tips with you last year. Do you know anyone who would benefit from this type of session? If so, I would be so grateful if you would share info about this year’s workshop with them. And, if you need a refresher, we’ll be exploring new recipes and a few additional rituals I’ve started incorporating this year. I hope to see you there!
These small copy changes matter. If you are emailing everyone the same message, you end up writing vague emails and miss the opportunity to engage directly with the members of your community.
3. When are you emailing?
Experiment with this! Pay attention to your open rate, the subscribers that are reading your emails, and what type of content they are more likely to read.
Advice is all over the place and a one-size-fits-all approach is rarely the right solution.
I personally like to schedule Yoga Brain’s emails to go out first thing in the morning. My community seems more receptive to reading them earlier in the day. Try sending emails on the weekend instead of weekdays, in the morning instead of late afternoon, and notice what happens to your open and click-through rates.
4. Why does this matter?
You are building relationships with your community and potential clients. Since technology can make community interactions feel impersonal, taking these few extra steps can ensure your emails connect.
Try it and let me know how it goes.
Happy emailing!